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flower 2חסד – Kindness Yellow Dahlia Flower Isolated on White Backgroundוהיה מחניך קדוש – The Majesty of Modesty Orange and White Chrysanthemum Flower Isolated on Whiteכח ומעלת השתיקה – The Power and Art of Silence Red Dahlia Flower Isolated on White Backgroundאמונת ועצת חכמים – Believing in and Seeking the Counsel of Chachamim (Torah Scholars) Single Blue Cornflower - Centaurea cyanus Isolated on Whiteדן לכף זכות – Judging your Fellow Jew Favorably One Blossoming Orange Pot Marigold Flower Isolated on Whiteזהירות וקדושת הדיבור – Elevating and Sanctifying Our Speech flower 6ענוה – Humilty
flower 5קידוש שם שמים – Glorifying G-d’s Name Through Your Actions flower 4קדושת המועד – Uplifting the Holiness of Chol Hamoed Single lotus flowerזריזות – Alacrity(Swiftness) flower 28בטחון – Relying on Hashem flower 27הכרת הטוב – Being Ever so Grateful White Rose Closeup Faded into White Backgroundאמת – Truth Blossoming Pink Zinnia Elegans Isolated on Whiteעריבות – One for All and All for one
One White Everlasting Flower Isolatedותרנות – Let it Slide! Single Pink and White Dahlia Flower Isolatedנושא בעול חברו – Helping to Carry the Burden of your friend Rose Alba - Beautiful White Rose Isolated on Whiteעין טובה – Viewing People Positively Orange Dahlia Flower  Isolated on White Backgroundמנוחת הנפש – Peace of Mind Pink and White Dahlia Flower Isolated on Whiteטוב ארף אפים מגבור ומושל ברוחו מלוכד עיר – Being in Control, Staying Cool Yellow Dahlia Flower Isolated on Whiteאיזהו עשיר השמח בחלקו – Who is Wealthy? A Person who is Satisfied with his Portion Single Red Orange Everlasting Flower Isolated on White Backgroundהוי מתלמידיו של אהרן אוהב שלום ורודף שלום – Be Like The Students of Aharon – Love and Pursue Peace
Yellow Flower Abstract Isolated on White Backgroundקדושת שבת – Uplifting Shabbos Orange Gerbera Flower Isolated on White Backgroundקדושת ערב שבת – Uplifting Erev Shabbos Perfect Red Rose Flowerhead Isolated on Whiteהוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות-  Greeting Everyone in A Pleasant Manner Pink Carnation Flower Isolated on White Backgroundתפילה – Prayer Beautiful Pink Iberis Flower - Thymus Serpyll Isolated on Whiteכבוד הורים ומורים – Honoring Parents, Teachers and Torah Scholars Osteospermum - Light Purple Daisy Flower Head Isolated on whiteכבוד חברים – Respecting Your Fellow Jew month_middaסבלנות – Patience